Photo from Manuel Rodríguez (CC BY-SA 2.5 MX)
15th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
January 22, 2025 | Barcelona, Spain
In conjunction with HiPEAC 2025,
January 20-22, 2025
Polyhedral compilation techniques have been at the forefront of research
and innovation, playing a central role in a wide range of domain-specific
languages and optimizing compilers. Thanks to a unified formalism for
parallelization and memory optimization, they provide high impact in
competitive areas such as machine learning, scientific computing, and
media processing. Like a well-aged bottle of wine, these techniques have
evolved and branched into new domains over time, with successful
applications spanning across various products.
IMPACT is a unique event focusing on polyhedral compilation. The
workshop brings together researchers and practitioners for a
high-quality one-day event including a keynote, paper presentations,
and work-in-progress discussions. The workshop has a well
established tradition of high quality, extensive peer reviews, with a
PC balancing core polyhedral expertise with applications and broader
computing systems research.
Palau de Congressos @ Fira de Barcelona
Room: Extra 2
HiPEAC session site
Opening and Keynote (10:00 - 11:00)
Keynote: Counting-based Loop Optimization
Philippe Clauss
From the rediscovery and extension of Ehrhart polynomials in the mid-90s, to the use and extension of mathematician
Barvinok's results in the early 2000s, we now have efficient software tools for calculating a parameterized expression
of the exact number of integer points of a polytope, linearly dependent on integer parameters.
We show in this presentation that these expressions, which are called quasi-polynomials, have enabled, and still enable,
the development of new techniques for loop nest analysis and transformation. They allow the polyhedral model, originally
exclusively based on affine equations, to be extended to polynomials, and even more generally to algebraic expressions.
In short, they enable the development of non-linear loop optimization techniques, yielding non-linear memory allocations
and loop statement schedules.
Among the techniques based on these quasi-polynomials, we'll mention memory consumption analysis, data layout
transformation, collapsing of non-rectangular loops, and especially algebraic tiling. For the latter, we'll show its
latest extensions to trapezoidal algebraic tiling of parallel stencil computations, which tends to outperform diamond
tiling, in applicability, execution time and CPU cores consumption, thanks to quasi perfect load balancing among the
parallel threads.
Philippe Clauss is a full-time professor at the University of Strasbourg, France, and leads projects for Inria CAMUS and
MULTICORE. His research focuses on program compilation and optimization, utilizing both static and dynamic approaches.
He develops innovative tools and mathematical methods for precise code analysis and optimization. His primary
application domains are high-performance computing and multi-core parallelization.
Break (11:00 — 11:30)
Session 1: Polyhedral Analysis (11:30 — 12:30) [25 min + 5 min Q&A]
Polynomial Loop Recognition in Traces
Alain Ketterlin
This paper describes a tool named PLR which recognizes polynomial loop
nests in traces. After providing background on affine (i.e.,
polyhedral) loop recognition with NLR, it exposes how a particular
representation for integer polynomials leads to a simple and efficient
interpolation technique. The new PLR algorithm, a slight modification
of the original NLR, leverages this interpolation technique to
recognize polynomial loops, i.e., loops where all bounds and values
are expressed as multivariate polynomials in the loop counters.
title = {Polynomial Loop Recognition in Traces},
author = {Ketterlin, Alain},
booktitle = {15th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
(IMPACT 2025, in conjunction with HiPEAC 2025)},
year = 2025,
url = {},
Estimating the Upper Bound on Arithmetic Intensity for a Stencil Algorithm
Sergey Khilkov
For a stencil algorithm, arithmetic intensity is closely related to
performance. We want to find an upper bound for arithmetic intensity
for a given stencil algorithm with the help of geometric inequalities.
This article presents a conjecture that for large problems arithmetic
intensity 𝐼 is bound by the cache size 𝐷cache to the power of 1/𝑛,
𝐼 ≤ 𝐶 · sqrt(n, 𝐷cache), where 𝑛 is the number of space dimensions
for the algorithm lattice. The coefficient 𝐶 depends only on the
algorithm parameters and does not depend on the parameters of a
computer system.
The conjecture works for every implementation of the algorithm as long
as the arithmetic operations stay the same. Therefore it helps to
understand the limits of the optimization techniques like polyhedral
To estimate the bound 𝐶 for a stencil algorithm, we introduce a
geometric locality model. The model works in a continuous vector space
and is expected to yield asymptotic estimations of the bound 𝐶 for
large tile sizes. It also produces other interesting results related
to tiling validity. We discuss several ways to generalize the
geometric locality model. The space transformation, which makes the
stencil convex, is of particular importance, since it may also prove
to be useful in the polyhedral model.
title = {Estimating the Upper Bound on Arithmetic Intensity for a Stencil Algorithm},
author = {Khilkov, Sergey},
booktitle = {15th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
(IMPACT 2025, in conjunction with HiPEAC 2025)},
year = 2025,
url = {},
Session 2: Sparse Program Optimizations (14:00 — 15:00) [25 min + 5 min Q&A]
Automatic Specialization of Polyhedral Programs on Sparse Structures
Alec Sadler and Christophe Alias
Most High-Performance Computing applications manipulate sparse data,
which results in highly irregular code whose compile-time optimization
is quite challenging. One way is to start from the original dense
specification, which is usually much more regular and ready to be
optimized thanks to state-of-the-art program optimization algorithms.
This paper presents an algorithm to specialize a dense polyhedral
program on sparse inputs. Our approach is able to propagate the input
sparse structure across the computation and to keep only the necessary
computations computing non-zero values. It is meant to be coupled with
other code transformation strategies to generate efficient parallel
code. The key ingredient of our algorithm is the transitive closure of
affine relations, for which efficient and accurate heuristics exist.
Experimental evaluation assesses the scalability and the accuracy of
our approach.
title = {Automatic Specialization of Polyhedral Programs on Sparse Structures},
author = {Sadler, Alec and Alias, Christophe},
booktitle = {15th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
(IMPACT 2025, in conjunction with HiPEAC 2025)},
year = 2025,
url = {},
Dead Iteration Elimination
Cedric Bastoul, Maxime Schmitt, Benoît Meister and Chandan Reddy
Dead code elimination (DCE) is a compiler technique that aims at
increasing the program performance and reducing the executable size by
removing program parts which do not contribute to the program output.
Usual DCE implementations identify instructions not producing
live-out data and remove them entirely. However, it may happen that
only some dynamic executions of the instruction are dead. This
situation notably arises when an instruction is enclosed inside a
loop and some iterations of that loop do not contribute to the program
In this paper we present dead iteration elimination (DIE), a technique
to identify and to remove those iterations. DIE relies on polyhedral
analysis to compute the required data space and the iterations which
contributed them. It enables the safe removal of parts of the
iteration space, possibly up to complete statement removal, in a
complementary way to DCE. It also makes it possible to consider
required output specification which opens new applications such as
automatic specialization, sparsification or subsampling.
title = {Dead Iteration Elimination},
author = {Bastoul, Cedric and Schmitt, Maxime and Meister, Benoît and Reddy, Chandan},
booktitle = {15th International Workshop on Polyhedral Compilation Techniques
(IMPACT 2025, in conjunction with HiPEAC 2025)},
year = 2025,
url = {},
Session 3: Community Discussion (15:00 — 15:30)
Ask questions and interact with the polyhedral community.
Call For Papers
We welcome both theoretical and experimental papers and presentations
on all aspects of polyhedral compilation. We also welcome submissions describing
preliminary results, crazy new ideas, position papers, experience
reports, education material, and available tools, with an aim to
stimulate discussions, collaborations, and advances in the field. The
following illustrates potential IMPACT papers:
- Thorough theoretical discussion of a preliminary idea with an attempt to
place it in context but no experimental results.
- Experimental results comparing two or more existing ideas, followed by a
detailed analysis.
- Presentation of an existing idea in a different way, including
illustrations of how the idea applies to new use cases, code,
architectures, etc. Attribution should as clear as possible.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
- program optimization (automatic parallelization, tiling, etc.);
- code generation;
- data/communication management on GPUs, accelerators and distributed systems;
- hardware/high-level synthesis for affine programs;
- static analysis;
- program verification;
- model checking;
- theoretical foundations of the polyhedral model;
- extensions of the polyhedral model;
- scalability and robustness of polyhedral compilation techniques.
Important Dates
Paper Submissions |
Paper deadline: |
Friday, November 1, 2024 (AoE)
Friday, November 8, 2024 (AoE)
Short Paper Extension: |
Friday, November 29, 2024 (AoE) |
Author notification: |
Full Paper Friday, December 6, 2024
Late Short Papers Friday, December 13, 2024
Final version due: |
Friday, January 10, 2025 (AoE) |
Workshop: |
Wednesday, January 22, 2025 (in conjunction with HiPEAC) |
Paper Submissions
Paper submissions should not exceed 10 pages (recommended 8 pages), excluding
references, formatted as per ACM SIGPLAN proceedings format.
Short paper submissions, even with only 2 pages, are welcome as well.
Please use version 1.54 or above of the following templates to prepare your manuscript:
Make sure to use the "sigplan" subformat.
Visit for
information on SIGPLAN manuscript formatting.
NOTE: older versions of the article template use smaller fonts for
submission, please double-check that you are using the recent style file
(in particular, various LaTeX distributions ship older versions of the
acmart style file, please download the most recent one from ACM).
Submissions should use PDF format and be printable on US Letter or A4
Please submit your manuscripts through EasyChair:
Proceedings will be posted online. If the final version of an accepted
paper does not sufficiently address the comments of the reviewers, then
it may be accompanied by a note from the program committee. Publication
at IMPACT will not prevent later publication in conferences or journals
of the presented work. However, simultaneous submission to IMPACT and
other workshop, conference, or journal is often prohibited by the policy
of other venues. For instance, a manuscript overlapping significantly
with IMPACT submission cannot be submitted to PLDI 2025 or any other
overlapping SIGPLAN event.
The presentation should take no longer than 25 minutes to present.
Please make sure that at least one of the authors can attend the workshop
if your work is accepted. Registration are processed through the HiPEAC website.
Workshop Chair
Eun Jung Park |
Qualcomm, USA |
Maxime Schmitt |
Qualcomm, France |
Program Committee
Albert Cohen |
Google, France |
Andreas Kloeckner |
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA |
Ari Rash |
University of Münster, Germany |
Benoît Meister |
Qualcomm, USA |
Corinne Ancourt |
Mines-Paris PSL University, France |
Harenome Ranaivoarivony-Razanajato |
Huawei, France |
Jie Zhao |
Hunan University, China |
Karl Friebel |
Technische Universität Dresden, Germany |
Michael Kruse |
AMD, Germany |
Ramakrishna Upadrasta |
Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad, India |
Sven Verdoolaege |
Cerebras Systems, Belgium |
Tobias Grosser |
University of Edinburgh, UK |
Contact Us
For any inquiries or questions you may have regarding the IMPACT 2025 workshop, please feel free to reach out to
us at